The Sturgeon Family Has Grown!

I met the Sturgeon family for the first time only a few years ago: two gorgeous parents, with two unbelievably handsome, and hilariously rambunctious sons. They mentioned how they were in the middle of a long adoption process, and that once they were finally able to get their son home, they'd love to do another session. Well, that date has finally arrived! I am SO happy and excited to announce that the Sturgeons were finally able to bring their son home! And oh boy, could he not fit more perfectly into this adorable family! This little charmer has such a sweet spirit, and with so much energy and spunkiness, he could give his brothers a run for their money! His giggles and laughter were cracking me up the entire session. Never in my life have I seen a little man with such a big personality. But underneath his giggly, charismatic exterior is a sweet and loving heart that is breathtaking. By far, the most beautiful part of the session was how much he adored calling out "my mom!" and "my dad!" every few minutes; running up to his parents or brothers and attacking them with excited hugs. His love and admiration for his new family were glowing all over his face and his big, radiating grin brightened every image he was in. But not only that, the love from his brothers toward him was obvious too. They adored joking around and playing with their new little brother. There was an instant connection between them all, and it was beautiful to see. Congratulations Sturgeon family! I am so happy to see you all, together at last! 
